Monday, December 15, 2014

What Are Securities And Exchange Law?

Often securities and exchange law may be called the “truth in securities”, which has two objectives under the original 1933 act. First an investor is required to receive any information deemed significant, including financial information about securities that will be offered up to the public for sale. The second objective is to prohibit any sort of misrepresentation, fraud or deceit when the security is sold

Any securities that will be sold in the United States are required to be registered. A company needs to fill out a form that will give the facts that are essential, and thus minimize any chance they are not following the laws. Though it’s not a guarantee it is supposed to help, and possible avoid SEC charges.

What Is On The Registration?

A company must put in any properties that are owned by the business, along with what the security they are selling for in detail. Included on the form should be those people who are considered part of management, as well as financial states that have been certified by outside accountants.

Many changes have been made through the years to the securities and exchange laws. Those include the Trust Indenture that was passed in 1939, the Investment company of 1940, along with the investment advisers in the same year. In 2002 the Sarbanes-Oxley would be passed and signed into legislation by President Bush. Finally, in 2010 another act was passed with the Dodd-Frank Act for reform of Wall Street.

Each new act that was passed would add on more requirements and laws that need to be followed by companies. The hope was that it would help to protect consumers across the United States.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Law Schools - What You Need to Know?

Studying law in the US is a grueling and difficult task that challenges most students to the core. It is very different from studying law in many other countries, as law is considered a professional academic field, equivalent to a graduate degree. In such a situation, choosing a law school is a very important task, as it will strongly influence your future career.


School rankings are a very important metric while choosing schools, as usually the better the ranking of the school, the better your career prospects are after graduation. Law Schools in the US are ranked on a number of factors such as bar passage rate, placement success, quality of education etc. Schools will also figure differently for different fields of study. Some schools are renowned for sports law or human rights law while others are well know for public service law. You should select a school in your field of interest.

It is also usually a good idea to visit the schools you are planning to consider, as it will give you an opportunity to learn as much as possible about them.


It is generally suggested that you study law in the region where you intend to practice law. This is because local law firms are more likely to hire graduates from law schools that are in the regions where they practice law. Law degrees carry more weight in the region where the school is located because in the US State laws vary from state to state. To be able to practice law in any state you will have to pass the bar exam for that state. This is very important in a case when you are not studying in a very reputed law school, as the school's degree will not hold weight on a national level.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 Peculiar Laws You Ought To Know

Law is absolutely essential in any country. It clearly distinguishes right from wrong, establishes boundaries, outlines sentences for those that breach it, and at times bans Donald Duck for not wearing pants; thanks Finland. For every dozen or so laws that help us sleep better at night, there is one that makes our mouths go agape. Here are 3 of them.

Chewing Gum is Illegal in Singapore
Yes. Illegal! Ever since 1992, gum has has been banned nation-wide, and been caught with some of it warrants a heavy monetary fine coupled with jail time. A bit to extreme you think? Well, all this is all in an effort to reduce vandalism and ensure cleanliness. The ban was incited after the multi-billion dollar metro system, launched in 1987, was vandalized by people leaving gum on the seats, sensors and rails. Now, gum can only be procured through a doctor's prescription. Even tourists aren't immune to this law. Enter the country with more than two packs of that chewy goodness, and you just might find yourself slapped with a $5,500 fine for gum smuggling.

Women Require Their Husband's Permission To Wear False Teeth in Vermont
Vermont is known for its picturesque landscapes, snowy slopes, and apparently, strict dental protocol. In a law that still exists to this very day, if a woman wants to get dentures, she must get written permission from her husband. Granted, it stems from a time when men were the sole breadwinners in the family and needed to account for every penny spent. Fact is though, it is still law. .

Drunk Driving Punishable By Death in El Salvador
Drunk driving is the cause of numerous deaths all around the world, and governments have enacted tough laws to curb it. In El Salvador however, 'tough' is a huge understatement. Being charged with a DUI here can lead you straight to a firing squad. Definitely makes one think twice before having one for the road.

Therefore, if you ever find yourself in any one of these places, ensure you're on your best behavior or face the long, and incredibly peculiar, arm of the law.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Business and Commercial Law

Business and commercial law are one and the same thing. Business law or commercial law is the body of the law that applies to relations, rights, and the conduct of businesses and persons who are engaged in trade, sales, commerce and merchandising. All states have commercial law as it is considered very important in maintaining order, security and peace in the economy. Business law is important for the monitoring of changing needs in the economy and following moral values. Business law gives control to regulate commercial transactions and assist in saving the society’s and business interest.

Commercial law creates a reliable standard for all businesses to follow. Most of these business fall under contract law, concerning on creating standards and uniformity to be upheld by businesses.
Purpose of commercial law
Commercial law creates predictable and consistent standards. The laws may differ between different sates, however they all reduce uncertainty and risk among parties that have entered into formal agreements.

Predictable commercial laws allows business persons to enter into multiple trades with assurance that all trades have a certain level of protection. For instance, a leasing business signs multiple leases in a day. They are allowed to do this because of the predictable ways through which a state governs lease transactions.

Business law allows for uniformity which saves time in commercial law. Therefore business owners need to know that courts and state agencies apply the law uniformly.

Another importance of business law is Uniform Commercial Code, which is a comprehensive set of laws that govern business transactions between USA and other territories. However not all sates are using this principle but they have adopted a version of it.


Commercial law governs a wide area of commerce, business and consumer transaction. Specific law has also developed in numerous business fields. They include: banking, contracts, bankruptcy, landlord tenant, sales, negotiable instruments etc.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Things to Do While Visiting Austin

Austin, Texas is one of the popular destinations on the southwestern region of United States of America. There are numerous activities that one can do when visiting Austin, these can range from boats to music among others. Some of the things to do in Austin Texas

Watch Sunset at the Oasis

The oasis is popularly known for the beautiful views of Lake Travis; it sits high on the bluff overlook the lakeside. There are numerous decks where you can sit and watch the sunset while you drink or eat. The oasis is a popular destination among Austin dwellers there are restaurants around with indoor and outdoor sitting all which can be utilized at your interest.

Get Out on the Lake

The Colorado River flows through Austin and forms a number of lakes in over a hundred miles length. Lake Travis created as a result of impounding of the Colorado River during the construction of Mansfield dam. The lake is 63 miles long, and over four miles wide, therefore can accommodate a lot of activities such as skiing, boat games and fishing. If you are into any of these activities then this is the place to be.

See the bats

Austin is known for having the largest urban bat colony in the United States, during the construction of congress Avenue Bridge, there were narrow crevices underneath the bridge this became a home to over one and a half million bats. Every year the Mexican bats migrate back to Austin from Mexico, visiting the bridge on a summer night or at dusk you will be able to see thousands of birds flying to the area.

Hang Out in Downtown Austin

Hanging out in Austin is another must do activity when visiting the area, the cities motto is "keep Austin weird’ which means the city is easy going , has eclectic mix people , and a wide array of cultures. The best way to enjoy your visit to Austin is to spend a day walking around downtown eat lunch on the cafes around or hang out in clubs at night.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What is Business Law?

Many people confuse business ethics with business or commercial law; however, this is not the case. Businesses may take action that is legal but not necessarily ethical. Commercial or business law is a body of law that relates to commerce, trade, banking, investments, marketing advertising among others. Business laws determine the minimum standards of behavior that is expected from business premise, companies, or sole proprietorships. Enforcement of these laws on the corporate scale involves the use of fines to the corporation involved; it is difficult to solely sue one person in the company unless you clearly know that the product or service rendered by a certain person caused defect or harm. Therefore, in most scenarios the corporation or company is sued as per the business and commercial law. The application of commercial has led to the development of laws that apply to business transactions, commercial activities among other activities.

Many nations operate under the civil codes that are detailed as per commercial law. Domestically the laws are applicable to the interest of consumers, while there has been harmonization of these laws to protect consumers from exploitation or effects from harmful products from foreign nations. In the European Union region, for example nations are required to sign laws that will create a uniform market in the region. The rules and regulations are geared towards harmonizing international commercial laws. There are methods in which the laws are explored via the ratification or adoption of business laws and treaties governing the process. One of the common treaties is United Nations conventions on contracts for the sale of goods. There are other ways in which the commercial laws are being reinforced to increase international trade and protect the consumer from faulty goods or services. Understanding business law is essential in avoiding lawsuits and offering quality customer services.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Places You Should Visit in Austin TX

Austin, TX is a fun packed place you can visit with your family. There are many educational places that will deliver a lot of fun and also give a taste of the life in the Midwest. If you are looking for things to do in Austin TX this are definitely the places you should visit.

iFLY Indoor Skydiving
Looking to have the ultimate experience of skydiving. In iFLY you will have the same experience as skydiving without endangering your life.

Lake Austin
When visiting Austin in the summer, remember to visit their awesome lake. This is a fun filled spot there are activities like boarding lessons, swimming and jet ski rides among many other water related events.

Zach Theatre
Zach theatre offers the best theatrical experience and is definitely a place you should not miss.

Lady Bird Lake Hike-and-bike trail
This course offers hiking and bike trail events. This can be used in family bonding and also having fun. The wonderful scenery is also captivating for nature lovers.
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Looking to gain more knowledge of the Texas history this museum is definitely a place you should tour.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to Select a Lawyer

Selecting the right lawyer to handle legal matters has been quite a challenging task for many. Lawyers services are as good as any other product or service that you purchase hence getting the ideal lawyer to represent you should be a careful, thought and well researched exercise. There are so many lawyers out there thus selecting one best out of the multitude can be a tiring and difficult thing to do. Here are some important tips on how to select a lawyer.

Do a background screening of the lawyer

First get to do a background research of the person you have in mind. Things to check here include education background, experience, and number of cases he/she has won and lost among others. This will give you an in-depth knowledge about the person you want to hire.

Conduct personal interviews.

Once you are through with the background check you can go ahead with meeting the candidate you did find suitable. Get to know his/her personal attributes, legal fees, special skills, and line of professionalism as you have a one on one chat.

Visit the lawyer office

You can tell a lot by just visiting the attorney’s office. Is the office neat, orderly, how are the staff attitudes towards clients. This will come in handy when making a follow up of your suit.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Basics of Real Estate Law

One of the essentials of real estate law is genuine property. What is genuine property? True property is essentially the land. The true property is utilized conversely with land. Be that as it may, for specialized purposes, some individuals want to recognize land, alluding to the area and apparatuses themselves, from the true property, alluding to possession rights over land.

Owning a genuine property implies you can do anything with it, for example, use it; dole it out; offer or exchange it; utilize it for an insurance for advance; hand down it to expected beneficiaries or let it sit where it is without doing anything to it. As it were, owning genuine property is having aggregate rights on an area and nobody can ever address you for it is yours.

In owning a land, some regular limitations are, no doubt forced by law. There are endless laws that confine what you can do with the genuine property. It may be government, state, district and nearby laws. The implementation of these laws lives with the different organizations.

The most widely recognized confinements forced by government are zoning. It is a natural peril, open easement, right of way. On the off chance that there are confinements forced, there are additionally types of property possession. These are joint tenure; occupancy in the total; sole proprietorship; occupants in as something to be shared and group property.

In joint tenure, two or more individuals claim the property in the meantime in equivalent shares. In occupancy in the aggregate, a few bequests have particular type of joint tenure when the joints are spouse and wife- with each one owning one half.

Need more info? Visit my site at

Monday, July 28, 2014

An Overview of Corporate Law

What is corporate law? This is a branch of law that deals with the study of relationship between shareholders, employees, creditors, directors, as well as other stakeholders like the community and consumers.

Corporate law is another sensitive part of companies’ law. Under this law, businesses of all sizes often have separate legal entity, with both limited and unlimited liability for its owners. The law also deals with the decision making process especially those that affect the operations of the business in the long run.

Corporate law also deals with firms, which are registered or incorporated under the company law of the sovereign state. The four key principles of this law are:
  • Separate legal entity of the corporation.
  • Limited liability of shareholders ( where a shareholder has a personal liability limited to the total value of their shares within the company)
  • Shares (can be traded on any stock exchange)
  • Delegated management; where the board of directors (BOD) have a duty of to appoint the executives with the responsibility of day-to-day management of the business.
Check out Judson Sutherland's law blog for more information on corporate law.